One of methods of controlling and reducing damages of pests such as mealy bugs, aphids, ticks and eggs of some pests or controlling some fruit tree problems is volck oil. This oil covers the insects body and their egg and closes their respiratory and vital pores and prevents the spore distribution in some fungi.
Emulsifiable oil must have 80% of high quality paraffin oil and other fillers and preservatives.
Group: Aliphatic hydrocarbon IRAC-NC
Toxicity degree: U (low)
Effects: Insecticide, mite and tick killer with egg killing effect, contact herbicide
Where to use:
Controlling Mealy bugs and Sum mites Before spring, summer and for adjoin to some pesticides as liquid spray in rate of 1.5 % after winter cold and before trees awaken.
One of the oil advantages to other insecticides is being low dangerous to human because of non poisonous residue of oil of crops. The oil does not have any poisoning effects for birds and useful insects but fishes and honey bees may be sensitive to this product.
Sulfunation degree is a very important properties in quality of Volck oil. For oil spray in winter, sulfunation 65% to 75% is suitable and for summer pest control 85% to 95%. This oil is a very light liquid so 20 liter of Volck oil is about 16 to 17 kg so it’s recommended to be careful when using it.
Amount of volck oil for saplings with soft wood and seedlings is very lower than old and pest infected trees. Recommended dose of Volck oil is 1.5% in average.
Important features of Volck oil:
- It acts as a pesticide by killing the pest physically.
- It is very useful for fast evaporation of pesticides prevention.
- It has a synergistic effect on other pesticides.
- It’s mixable with most common insecticides and fungicides.
- Adding Volck oil to other pesticides allowed for mixing, makes the pesticide more durable against water and rain.
How to use:
- Don’t use on stressed plants like cut roots and new saplings
- Don’t use on sensitive shrubs
- Preharvest interval is 0
Rates of Use for Samsazan Volck oil 80%
Crop Pest Rate of Use
Citrus Fruits Citrus red spider mite, Oriental spider mite, Mealy bugs 1.5% before spring and spring
Temperate Fruit Tree European red mite 1 liter per thousand
Pistachio Yellow pistachio scale and Armored scale insects 1.5% in winter before buds and in spring
Dates Date pit scale, Date palm white scale 1.5% according to before spring and spring notifications
Non-productive Trees and Ornamental plants Acanthococcus abaii 1.5% before spring along with a phosphorous insecticide
Tea Mealybugs and Flat mites 1.5% along with a Phosphorous
Olive Olive scale, black scale 1.5% before spring